Tuesday, January 27, 2009

True Courage

This might be tough to swallow but just for a moment think about this. Imagine your neighbors home on fire you see it run outside and laying beside your feet is a hose but you freeze. You stand there fear has you helpless you know that they are going to die but you do nothing. Think of your emotional state. The sleepless nights that follow. Now is this you in the story, really do you freeze or grab the hose and attempt to save their life? I just got done reading a great quote and it reads like this. "So many churches have diluted and adulterated the clear, powerful gospel in ways that robbed it of its vitality and power." We need to see the gospel the way the early disciples did fearless and convicted. Now back to the story its easy to hear a story like that and sat no way I just let them burn, but really? There is people around us all of us who are dying daily and we need to ask ourselves are we standing there froze or are we ready to take action. Do we lose sleep over the lives that don't know Christ. I just ask you this are you truly passionate about saving the lives of those around us or are we standing like cowards froze watching people burn?

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